Appropriate grooming and hygiene is an important part of managing your Image as a Flight Attendant.
Grooming is very vital in airline industry. Grooming not only include make up it also include skin care, personal hygine, hair style, dress up and so on. Grooming is extremely important for a flight attendant. Always, while flying, you need to look your best, even after long flying hours. Cabin crew are the face of airlines so to meet the professionalism you need to brush up your grooming skills in right way. Personality Development is another vital key element which will enhance your inner self to perfectly fit in professional cabin crew career. We provide 10 days professional self makeup and skin care grooming classes by well trained and certified grooming instructor. Not only that we give public speaking and personality development courses from which every students will get to know their weakness and strength. Afterward they will be working on building their own personality to become their best version.